ZARA Spain

ZARA Headquarters Location

Arteixo, A Coruña, Galicien,

ZARA Photos

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About ZARA
Zara es una cadena de tiendas de moda española perteneciente al grupo INDITEX fundada por Amancio Ortega Gaona. Es la cadena insignia de la empresa y está representada en Europa, América, África, Asia y Oceanía con 1671 tiendas en 76 países, 333 de ellas en España (2012). Durante 2007 se abrieron 560 tiendas de todo el grupo. Algunas de sus tiendas operan bajo la marcas Lefties y Zara Reduced, orientadas a vender ropa más barata y restos sobrantes de temporada y otras como Kiddy's Class o Zara Kids, orientandas a ropa infantil.
En 2004, su cifra de negocio era de 3.819,6 millones de euros y representaba el 67,8% de las ventas de INDITEX. Cuenta con tres centros logísticos, el principal situado en Arteijo, La Coruña (España), donde abrió el primer almacén en 1975 y dos en Zaragoza y Madrid. Recientemente abrió la primera tienda en China continental, en la ciudad de Shanghái.
Careers at Zara
Zara belongs to Inditex, one of the world’s largest distribution groups. We are effective. We are able to design, create, produce and distribute a garment in our markets within two weeks. But we are playing with an advantage: we’ve got the best team going. The key to our success lies in the vision, energy and capacity to overcome obstacles of our people, from the offices where everything is managed or the product department that creates our designs to the logistics team that makes the difference and – of course – our stores, the place where our work begins and ends. Some 80% of our employees work in our stores: it is from them we learn, and because of them we grow. Its defining feature is its ability to adapt to the times and changes.

We like to know what people want because we like to get it right. We’ve got experience in taking fashion to the streets because the most important streets of the biggest cities is precisely where you will find Zara stores. We want to reach everyone and achieve all our goals. The customer is at the heart of our unique business model, which includes design, production, distribution and sales through our extensive retail network.

Number of Employees in ZARA

más de 10,000

ZARA Revenue

De 4 mil millones a 8 mil millones (EUR)