Richmond American Homes Spain

Richmond American Homes Headquarters Location

Denver, CO

Richmond American Homes Photos

  • They gathered over 100 bears for first responders to give to children in emergency situations.
  • We love that our Las Vegas team worked with local partners for this worthwhile cause!
  • We're proud of our Orlando team's success in the Greater Orlando Builders Association's Awards!
  • Congratulations to our Phoenix team for recently breaking the sales record they set in 2007!
About Richmond American Homes
Seeking a career in new home construction? Did you know that M.D.C. Holdings, Inc., is one of the largest homebuilders in the country? Its subsidiaries, which operate under the name Richmond American Homes, have operations in regions from coast to coast.

Other MDC subsidiaries provide mortgage financing, insurance and title services, primarily for Richmond American homebuyers, through HomeAmerican Mortgage Corporation, American Home Insurance Agency, Inc. and American Home Title and Escrow Company, respectively. MDC's stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "MDC".

What sets this exceptional company apart? Let’s take a look at the numbers:

• 45 years in the homebuilding industry
• Operations in 17 states
• Over 230,000 homes built

Talk about stability! And let’s not forget the company’s commitment to customer satisfaction (it offers hundreds of exciting personalization options so buyers never have to settle for a “cookie cutter” home!) as well as the quality and value reflected in each home it builds.

Number of Employees in Richmond American Homes

1,001 a 5,000
