Subway Spain
Subway Headquarters Location
Milford Connecticut, United States
About Subway
Subway es un restaurante cadena de comida rápida especializada principalmente en sándwiches. La empresa fue fundada en el año 1965 en la ciudad de Milford, Conneticut. Subway tiene aproximadamente 40,000 restaurantes en más de 100 países. Subway es la franquicia de comida rápida más grande del mundo, medido por número de restaurantes.
Part of the NeighborhoodOur restaurants are locally owned and community focused. We’re not just in your neighborhood. We’re part of it.
Founded on FreshFrom our farms to your family, we are obsessed with fresh.
Move in a New DirectionGrowing your career from Sandwich Artist® to Manager and Multi-Unit Manager starts today!
The Subway® Career PathGrowing your career starts today.
Helping the CommunityAt Subway® we're a part of the community.
Number of Employees in Subway
más de 10,000
Subway Revenue
más de 8 mil millones (EUR)